Area Action Plan of CIQ in Sheffield
This Area Action Plan (AAP) for the Cultural Industries Quarter (CIQ) of Sheffield is a project that my friend participated and I got a chance to join their group discussion. It has been produced to replace and update the Action Plan for the CIQ which dates from 2000. This plan was deemed to have served its purpose successfully but now there is a need for a new document to guide the future development of the CIQ.
''This document is intended to cover the period from 2016-2036 and sets out a vision along with how to achieve it. This covers; heritage issues, economic issues, urban open space, communities, education and the image of the area. The document is intended to be specific enough to provide a guide for the development of the Quarter but flexible enough so that it remains a useful document throughout the lifetime of the AAP.
The CIQ is considered to be an area of Sheffield that has achieved a certain amount of success since regeneration efforts began in the 1980s. However, it still has some unrealised potential which this AAP aims to unlock.'' (CIQ Area Action Plan (2016-2036), 2016)
“The CIQ Vision is to change perceptions of the area, gradually working towards creating an excellent reputation for the area in Sheffield and beyond. The CIQ Conservation Area is home to many buildings of significant architectural and heritage value, these will be retained and accentuated to create an attractive Cultural Quarter for Sheffield. The industrial buildings that reflect Sheffield’s proud industrial past will be repurposed to provide space for the emerging creative and digital industries. New urban open spaces will be created and existing ones upgraded to create a thriving, sustainable cultural quarter where people are proud to live and work.”
Through this group discussion, I got some valued knowledge that I ever know like analyse an area with different purpose from different sight, it more concerns with the intergrated considerations. On the other hand, considering the policies and the permeability so on to design the architectures about the height, shape, and financial appraisal is an important point that I got from this. These knowledge really could helps me a lot in the future career and organised my mind in a comprehensive way to design the architecture.
Bibliography: Creative Sheffield. (2008). Sheffield Economic Master plan. Available at: [15.04.2016]
Sheffield City Council. (2008). Sheffield City Centre Master plan 2008. Available at : [15.04.2016]